People may get the impression (or assume) I take pleasure in gore, pain, and suffering of characters in movies or books merely because of what they observe me reading or watching over and over again. They may assume I prefer to be depressed or sad because scenes of sadness are those that touch me the most. If so, they do not open their eyes and hearts enough to perceive and sense what it is that I see and feel; which is the pureness of the heart of a person who provides solace for the suffering, comfort for those in pain, peace and/or a memorabilia for those dying or dead. A human afflicted and another suffering and grieving with them shows the purity of humanity and the proper reason for possessing a heart.
If more people were pure in heart as the characters I see in films and read about in books, who dart to the side of the afflicted, this world would be a better place. I do not believe all movies and books are created to expose violence, but to illustrate as close to realism as possible the purity of the heart of a character who hurries to the aid of the suffering and/or dying; and how each of these characters feel as they suffer together and/or spend their last moments together. There truly is beauty in this.
Please do not suppose I believe suffering is okay. It is clearly not! But, we live in a world where people suffer from violence and other circumstances. Therefore, we must discover the purity of the hearts we have all been blessed with, and like these characters we watch and read about, anxiously run to their side.
Thomas Stanley, Jr.
Thomas Stanley, Jr.