Saturday, January 15, 2011


 Have you ever wondered what Heaven is like? I have; many times. In fact, I often lie on the grass, stare at the starry sky, and try to picture heaven and its many wonders.

I picture beautiful, endless plains of grass with rivers, mountains, flowers, magnificent trees, and animals. The sky is always blue, with a sun not too bright. Everything shines brilliantly, as if the world itself is made of glass.

The sound of the ocean echoes, along with the sound of song birds and the rustling of a gentle wind through the trees.

The people and the animals play together. There is neither hate nor envy. Everyone loves, everyone serves, and everyone lives in peace.

There are no worries or sicknesses to cause us pain or affliction, and best of all, there is no fear of death or the losing of loved ones.

As I lie there on the grass, gaze at the stars, and imagine this wonderful scene, I look forward to the day when I can live in such a place as Heaven.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Little Lost Rabbit

Do you ever feel like a little lost rabbit in winter, hopping around and trying to find a warm burrow, but only finding cold? Sometimes I do. I am freezing because I cannot figure out where I belong or who I am supposed to be. I long for the warmth of a burrow, but I just can't seem to find it. Am I looking in all the wrong places? Am I not listening for the others calling me? Are they even calling me? What am I doing wrong? Why was I left behind? Am I the one who strayed, or was everyone else too quick for me to keep up? Why don't they come back for me? When will I find them...the answers I am seeking? How much longer must I wait in the cold? I need to know my path. I just want to know where I belong and who I am supposed to be. I try to have faith that I will find that warm burrow. I try to trust in one who will recognize me and who loves me enough to lead me there. Sometimes it is so hard when I feel so alone and lost in the cold.....when I feel like no one is listening for my cries.....or even calling me. I hide, I cry, and I wonder if I will ever find......or be found.

By Thomas Stanley, Jr.