Dear Followers,
Please accept my apology. I have been absent from my blog for far too long! Many of you have expressed interest in my writing and have asked for more. I will admit I got a little lazy last year. I used to be a member of an online blogging community which shut down. Since then, my blog's hit count diminished significantly, causing me to be a bit discouraged. However, finding a new blogging community, keeping up Junior's Jrnl, and pulling in many new followers is on my list of resolutions for 2014.
I have already begun my next piece. It will be posted sometime this week. I do hope you enjoy it just as much if not more than my previous work. This new piece is a topic of interest in which people have asked me questions that I hope will cause you to discover more about the author of Junior's Jrnl ;)
Thanks again to all you faithful followers! I look forward to once again reading your comments and discovering what each you like (or even dislike) about each post.
Thomas Stanley Jr