What is writing? That's a simple enough answer. Writing is taking a utensil and scratching on paper.....right? Well....writing is much more than that. Before you answer, ponder a little longer and deeper. Think about what you are really doing when you take that utensil and scratch words onto a piece of paper. When you write, you are literally taking your ideas, your thoughts, and your imagination, and putting them in a place where they will never be lost nor forgotten. With a simple writing utensil and a piece of paper, you can bring your imagination to life and allow others to share in those same adventures. You can write a simple note that will put a smile on someone's face. With carefully chosen words, you can write a letter that will touch somebody's heart and change lives. How many times do you hear a story of a soldier who when his family received his letter, it had tear stains in the very spot that says, "I love you and I miss you so." You can write down every frustration on your mind just to get those words out of there. Are you seeing the power in written words? Do you understand now that writing is so much more than scratching on paper? Next time you write, remember what you are really doing. When you can truly understand the power in writing, you will no longer complain about the cramps in your hand. You will want to keep writing....and never stop.
By Thomas Stanley, Jr.
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