Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Little Lost Rabbit

Do you ever feel like a little lost rabbit in winter, hopping around and trying to find a warm burrow, but only finding cold? Sometimes I do. I am freezing because I cannot figure out where I belong or who I am supposed to be. I long for the warmth of a burrow, but I just can't seem to find it. Am I looking in all the wrong places? Am I not listening for the others calling me? Are they even calling me? What am I doing wrong? Why was I left behind? Am I the one who strayed, or was everyone else too quick for me to keep up? Why don't they come back for me? When will I find them...the answers I am seeking? How much longer must I wait in the cold? I need to know my path. I just want to know where I belong and who I am supposed to be. I try to have faith that I will find that warm burrow. I try to trust in one who will recognize me and who loves me enough to lead me there. Sometimes it is so hard when I feel so alone and lost in the cold.....when I feel like no one is listening for my cries.....or even calling me. I hide, I cry, and I wonder if I will ever find......or be found.

By Thomas Stanley, Jr.

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