Saturday, October 8, 2011

The frost twilight passes away

For one of my English Literature classes, I was required to write a "replacement poem." I had never done this before, but found it quite intriguing. To create a replacement poem, you choose a poem and substitute all the nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs with the same part of speech. You can either leave the conjunctions and prepositions or you can replace them. Basically, the point is to produce a poem with the same style, but making it your own. During the Renaissance Era, ambitious poets would often use the style and/or the tone of other famous poets (usually the poets of the previous Medieval Era) to develop their work. Then, as they improved their skills at writing poetry, they would invent a style and tone entirely their own.

I hope you enjoy this replacement poem I created based on T.S. Eliot's, "The winter evening settles down." Though T.S Eliot's poem had a much deeper meaning than simply describing a winter's evening, it inspired me to write a poem limited to the image of a winter's evening. Winter is my favorite time of year, so I found creating this replacement poem quite fascinating...

The frost twilight passes away
By Thomas Stanley, Jr.

The frost twilight passes away
With feel of ice in winds.
The frost-bit air of snowy nights.
And again a misty blanket cakes
The frozen ears
Of cloaked people on their way
And children in white yards;
The blanket sticks
On iced walks and house-tops,
And at the end of the road
A lost house-pet shivers and whimpers.

And then the white-out of the sky.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Patronus - The Wolf

Lately, I have been day dreaming about what my Patronus would be. Actually, this was fairly easy to figure out. The Wolf is my absolute favorite animal, so of course the wolf would be my Patronus. However, the wolf is much more to me. You know those times when you, your friends, and your family would try to guess what animal you would all be? Well, mine was always the wolf. In many ways, the wolf and my character are closely related. Let me explain.

Many of you most likely believe a wolf is vicious and scary, for that is how they appear to be. For this reason, they are seriously misunderstood creatures; for inside, they are quite the opposite. Wolves are intelligent, friendly animals who love and protect those close to them. Once you get to know them, you find they are loyal friends. The only time a wolf gets defensive is when they are threatened or scared. If you are scared of them, they will be scared of you. Wolves can be tamed by the right people; those who truly understand them. However, in spirit, they will always be wild and free. The wolf's personality is my personality, which creates a tight bond between this animal and I. So, if I did have a Patronus, the wolf would be it; not just because I want it to be, but because it would make sense.

Thomas Stanley, Jr.

What would your Patronus be? Leave a comment below explaining what your Patronus would be and why.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"The Less You Reveal, The More People Can Wonder"

You may think me odd for posting this quote, being that it was directed towards the women; but I would like to point out how true this statement is! Everyone, not just women, need to understand and KNOW this truth. Being a guy, I respect when a girl chooses to be modest; for that is precisely the type of girl I would be attracted to! Remember, your body is yours; protect it! Modest is Hottest!

"I find the whole concept of being ‘sexy’ embarrassing and confusing. If I do an interview with photographs people desperately want to change me - dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe. Then there’s the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable. I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy. What’s sexy about saying, ‘I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt, have a look at everything I’ve got?’ My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder."
- Emma Watson

Saturday, April 23, 2011

See With Your Heart, Not Your Eyes

People may get the impression (or assume) I take pleasure in gore, pain, and suffering of characters in movies or books merely because of what they observe me reading or watching over and over again. They may assume I prefer to be depressed or sad because scenes of sadness are those that touch me the most. If so, they do not open their eyes and hearts enough to perceive and sense what it is that I see and feel; which is the pureness of the heart of a person who provides solace for the suffering, comfort for those in pain, peace and/or a memorabilia for those dying or dead. A human afflicted and another suffering and grieving with them shows the purity of humanity and the proper reason for possessing a heart.

If more people were pure in heart as the characters I see in films and read about in books, who dart to the side of the afflicted, this world would be a better place. I do not believe all movies and books are created to expose violence, but to illustrate as close to realism as possible the purity of the heart of a character who hurries to the aid of the suffering and/or dying; and how each of these characters feel as they suffer together and/or spend their last moments together. There truly is beauty in this.

Please do not suppose I believe suffering is okay. It is clearly not! But, we live in a world where people suffer from violence and other circumstances. Therefore, we must discover the purity of the hearts we have all been blessed with, and like these characters we watch and read about, anxiously run to their side.

Thomas Stanley, Jr.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Perfect Example

As I look into your big, brown eyes, I see love. How, I think, can one love so unconditionally? You watch me as if you love me, as if you will always protect me, as if you do not judge me. How, I think, can this be possible? Oh the questions I would ask if you could speak. How can you have such love for and devotion towards a human such as me?

As I observe you throughout our many days together, you play as if you have no worries. You sleep as if you have the most pleasant dreams. When you get punished, you so easily forgive. When you get hurt, you plead for my help and love. When you cause mischief, you have a glow in your eye as if your behavior is to be funny. When I get hurt or feel down, you cuddle up beside me, refusing to leave. You obey every order, never questioning.

Oh how I wish I could understand how you do it; how you remain so positive and unselfish in a world such as this. Can you really be so perfect?
As I gaze into your big, brown eyes, wishing I could speak to you and you to me, I suddenly realize that you already know how I feel and what I think.

I begin to understand that you are speaking to me, rather to my heart, through your actions. You are saying, “I Love you, care for you, watch you, forgive you, cuddle up to you when you are down, and do all those things you see me do. All I ask in return is that you love me, care for me, and of course play with me.”

As I look into your big, brown eyes, I begin to understand that I cannot have a more perfect example and companion.

Thomas Stanley, Jr.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Music: The Language of Heaven?

The power of music is evident in each of our lives. This is true no matter who we are and no matter what kinds of music we prefer. In such a world as where we live, we hear music everywhere we go and in everything we do. We hear music on the radio, on our ipod's, from the instruments we play, at concerts we go to, etc. Each of us is unique and therefore attracted to specific genre's of music, matching our specific personalities. Many say our generation has been involved in and has created more music than any previous generation. Although this may be true statistically, we cannot forget that music, no matter how much, has always been the most important aspect of every generation and has played the most important role in every life from the beginning of time.

So why is music so powerful? Why does it create emotions we cannot explain? Have you ever noticed animals around music, how it attracts and calms them? We often believe music affects only humans, but how often do we see it affect all living things?

Janice Kapp Perry, a songwriter, said about music, "Is it a memory that birth could not erase?" Maybe music has such power because the feelings we receive are so close to the joy we felt in our heavenly home. Is music the language of heaven? Is everything in our universe composed? Modern scientists have reported that planets and stars within our solar system have certain rhythms to their rotations around each other. Scientists have also declared that the left-brain, right-brain theory is no longer correct. When a person hears music or when they create music in their mind, most EVERY part of their brain lights up.

Pay close attention to your feelings when listening to MUSIC, not NOISE. Ponder the power of music in your life, and how it affects you. When you listen closely to music and the feelings it creates, you will find you are more in tune with the spirit inside you; more in tune with your heavenly home.

Thomas Stanley, Jr.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Be Yourself!

“I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I've written for myself, and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part.” ~Shirley MacLaine~

Take a moment to ponder about your life. Search deep within and ask yourself, "Am I trying to be someone I am not? Am I acting in ways which do not define who I am? Am I letting the world define me rather than me defining myself?" If you are allowing the world to slap a label on who you "are"....rather who the world wants you to be, then you need to take control by discovering yourself and recognizing how much you have to offer this world. Everyone has something to offer! You just have to discover yourself! Understand who you truly are; that you are unique and equipped with the talents and the personality that will allow you to benefit yourself as well as others. Do not worry about what people think of you, because even though they or you may think it matters, it doesn't!

Too many people try to be someone else whom they believe is much "cooler" and "better-looking" than they are. People say "I wish I could be like him/her. He/she is much more talented and good-looking than I am." Our society creates ideal idols whom they say you must copy in order to succeed in this world. I would give you examples, but I think you know exactly what I am speaking of. Please know that the world needs you! You are not a clone of another individual. Whether or not the world chooses to admit it, it needs your unique personality and talents, not a million copies of the same artist, writer, actor, musician, etc.

A longing for a different path than that which was placed in front of you is a dangerous road. You must know yourself and thereby know the direction you must take. Stay there! Don't attempt to place yourself on someone else's path. Our paths intersect giving us the opportunities to bless others with our personalities and talents, but every path and purpose in this world must be filled. If you stray onto a road that is not yours, you will be depriving yourself and the world of so many opportunities and blessings; leaving dark holes in your life as well as the lives of others.

The purpose of life is to discover yourself, to understand your personality, your talents, and your gifts. Have fun with your life as you discover the many things you are capable of. Don't waste those wonderful blessings by attempting to be a copy of the ideal! As Shirley MacLaine stated, "have the utmost fun playing [your] part."

Thomas Stanley, Jr.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Am a Prince

Have you ever dreamed of being a prince or a princess, living in a time of magnificent kingdoms and castles? I have....many times. I often believe I was born in the wrong era, that I should have been born in the age of kings and queens. I would have loved to live in a beautiful country full of forests, hills, mountains, rocks, and grass, with my kingdom in the middle of it all.

There is something magical about that time....something that draws me there. This is who I wish I could have been.....what I wish I could have had. I have the personality of a prince and a love for green lands and magnificent castles. If everything about me points to this lifestyle, then why wasn't I given that? Why am I stuck in a time where castles and kingdoms are a thing of the past? Why am I a simple city boy stuck in a crowded place and a time where all the beautiful land is being destroyed by industry? What happened? Why am I here?

The more I think of it, I begin to realize that all of this is not a thing of the past. This is my future. I am a prince, born of royal blood and disguised in a world that refuses to recognize who I truly am. My Father is a magnificent king who believes in me and wants me to one day rule by His side in His kingdom....and eventually become a king to rule a kingdom of my own. He has sent me here during this age because this world is where I will gain the knowledge required to become a king. While in this temporary home, if I can show my Father I am willing to follow every law and marry a true princess, He has already promised His kingdom and much more!

By Thomas Stanley, Jr.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Ocean

I am walking, rather floating, as the cool, silky surface below nibbles at my feet.
I feel fearless, like I can fly, without rules, without barriers; I can do anything here.
I gaze out into the black, yet magnificent sky. Its menial lights shine down upon the mass beneath; a monster, a roaring monster, yet kind and gentle. Her eyes glow with a dark, brilliant blue. She graciously reaches out to me, touching my feet, giving me strength beyond my own.
We are alone in this place, she and I. We possess a love that will never die.
For hours, I look upon and admire her. I see eternity in her eyes.
Though when the night gets old, and we must part, she can be assured I shall always return.

Thomas Stanley, Jr.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Power in Writing

What is writing? That's a simple enough answer. Writing is taking a utensil and scratching on paper.....right? Well....writing is much more than that. Before you answer, ponder a little longer and deeper. Think about what you are really doing when you take that utensil and scratch words onto a piece of paper. When you write, you are literally taking your ideas, your thoughts, and your imagination, and putting them in a place where they will never be lost nor forgotten. With a simple writing utensil and a piece of paper, you can bring your imagination to life and allow others to share in those same adventures. You can write a simple note that will put a smile on someone's face. With carefully chosen words, you can write a letter that will touch somebody's heart and change lives. How many times do you hear a story of a soldier who when his family received his letter, it had tear stains in the very spot that says, "I love you and I miss you so." You can write down every frustration on your mind just to get those words out of there. Are you seeing the power in written words? Do you understand now that writing is so much more than scratching on paper? Next time you write, remember what you are really doing. When you can truly understand the power in writing, you will no longer complain about the cramps in your hand. You will want to keep writing....and never stop.

By Thomas Stanley, Jr.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Do Not Complain, Do Your Part & Live a Simple Life

In my college algebra class the other day, I sat waiting for the professor to begin the lesson. Ten minutes into class, the lesson had not started. Twenty minutes into class, still nothing. This continued on for a good hour and a half. The reason the teacher had not begun the lesson was because a majority of the students were asking questions about the previous lesson and the homework that went along with it. After observing the questions that were asked, I began to realize that students were trying to get the work and answers to the homework problems without any effort on their part. Having observed this, it was no surprise to me that these students could not understand even after the teacher went through each problem on the board.

These students were wasting time that should have been focused on a new lesson. They slowed others from progressing and made this difficult college algebra class a lot more difficult and frustrating than it needed to be. These students would also complain during class that they did not understand the homework, when it was obvious they didn't put forth the effort to understand it.

Why do I speak of this experience? I described this experience to show that people tend to make life a lot more difficult than it needs to be. When we do not understand something, whether intentionally or not, we often compromise the simple lives of others. We take our problems to them before we have attempted to solve them ourselves. Then, when we do not receive the answer the way we would like, we sit there and complain, causing grief to fall upon those whose lives were once simple, but now complex because someone else's problems have been to added to their life. We do not need to cause others pain and grief because of problems we refuse to solve. We do not need to cause ourselves pain and grief for the same reason. Life is simple. It should stay that way.

When a trial is placed before you, understand that you must not complain. You must first do your part and seek guidance from your Heavenly Father through prayer. Trust that He will help you understand. But know that He cannot help you find your answer unless you put forth effort enough to show Him you really want that which you are seeking. Think of Heavenly Father as the teacher, and you as the student. If you are seeking an answer to a problem, and have made no effort to solve it first, the teacher cannot help you find the answer you are seeking. How can he lead you when you will not attempt to understand beforehand? But, if the teacher can see that you have attempted to reach the answer, he will know you have started down the path of understanding, and he can then help you with the rest.

Do your part and do not complain. Life is meant to be simple. Do not make it complicated for yourself and for others. When faced with a problem, attempt to solve it. Then, if you still cannot find the answer, seek help from others. You will find that they will be more willing to listen and understand if they can see that you have at least put forth an effort.

Thomas Stanley, Jr.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


 Have you ever wondered what Heaven is like? I have; many times. In fact, I often lie on the grass, stare at the starry sky, and try to picture heaven and its many wonders.

I picture beautiful, endless plains of grass with rivers, mountains, flowers, magnificent trees, and animals. The sky is always blue, with a sun not too bright. Everything shines brilliantly, as if the world itself is made of glass.

The sound of the ocean echoes, along with the sound of song birds and the rustling of a gentle wind through the trees.

The people and the animals play together. There is neither hate nor envy. Everyone loves, everyone serves, and everyone lives in peace.

There are no worries or sicknesses to cause us pain or affliction, and best of all, there is no fear of death or the losing of loved ones.

As I lie there on the grass, gaze at the stars, and imagine this wonderful scene, I look forward to the day when I can live in such a place as Heaven.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Little Lost Rabbit

Do you ever feel like a little lost rabbit in winter, hopping around and trying to find a warm burrow, but only finding cold? Sometimes I do. I am freezing because I cannot figure out where I belong or who I am supposed to be. I long for the warmth of a burrow, but I just can't seem to find it. Am I looking in all the wrong places? Am I not listening for the others calling me? Are they even calling me? What am I doing wrong? Why was I left behind? Am I the one who strayed, or was everyone else too quick for me to keep up? Why don't they come back for me? When will I find them...the answers I am seeking? How much longer must I wait in the cold? I need to know my path. I just want to know where I belong and who I am supposed to be. I try to have faith that I will find that warm burrow. I try to trust in one who will recognize me and who loves me enough to lead me there. Sometimes it is so hard when I feel so alone and lost in the cold.....when I feel like no one is listening for my cries.....or even calling me. I hide, I cry, and I wonder if I will ever find......or be found.

By Thomas Stanley, Jr.